Farm Performance report

Get an overview of how the animals on your farm are performing

Written by Gabbi Duval
Updated over a week ago

Free Report

This report is a representation of how your animals have performed in the past. The farmer can use this report to analyse specific animal cohorts to identify trends in past growth performance, with the aim of identifying particular times in their production cycle where growth is impacted negatively or positively.

Once you've uploaded or added data, you can compare groups or view specific animals using the Farm Performance report. This is our most viewed report and a great place to start understanding how to improve your herd & business!

Use this report to:

  • Understand variance within-herd performance

  • Identify lower and higher performing groups and animals

  • Identify changes in performance over time

Watch our video guide

You can download tables/charts in the report by clicking the three dots, top right of the table or chart, and select download; CSV, pdf, excel file, image.

Click on the button below to take you to your Farm Performance Report:

This report updates every: 1-3 hours, please ensure you are viewing the most up-to-date information by viewing the date and time refreshed at the bottom of the page.

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