Valuation Calculator

Find out in a few short steps how you can track value gains whilst you weigh

James Wright avatar
Written by James Wright
Updated over a week ago

The Animal Valulation Tool allows you to see gains in value as your weigh your cattle, you can set your value yourself at the start of the session, either on Liveweight or Deadweight values, as the animal is weighed Breedr will calculate its value. If you have entered a purchase price you'll be able to see how much extra value you have added since purchase.

Step 1.

Open Weighing tab, bottom right.

Step 2.

Open setup session, top right.

Step 3.

When you're on the setup session screen, press the plus button next to the activities and select Animal Value Calculator.

Step 4.

You'll be asked to select Live or Dead Weight, this is where you'll enter the values you are wanting to value the cattle on.

The Breedr trading team is able to assist you in setting a price, you can call your account manager on 03300 436327.

  • Liveweight will calculate your p/kg price by the animal weight

  • Deadweight will calculate your p/kg price, divided by the suggest killout and the animal weight. Killout will vary by Breed but the industry average is 52%.

Step 5.

Select an animal and add a weight, you'll see the estimated value and if you have entered a purchase price then the increase in value will be shown.

Upon saving the session you'll see each animals value and a total value price. This is a new feature and if you have feedback you can email

Need some help? Use the chat window to your right on web or the help button on mobile, call our customer support team on +44 (0) 3300 436327 or email support

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