Reports Overview
Lillian Harding-Rieder avatar
Written by Lillian Harding-Rieder
Updated over a week ago

Reports can be found on the Breedr web portal. Sign in using the same username and password as the mobile app.

Note: some of these reports update every 30 minutes, while others may take longer. Please reach out to Customer Success if you need assistance with reports.

Ranch Performance

This report examines the performance of animals on a group or location basis over a given period. To maximize the usage and populate this report, it is important to organize animals into groups or locations. To extract the most meaningful insights from this report, entering purchase and sale prices for your animals will calculate an average market value per head.

What data do I need?

  1. Organize your animals into groups and locations.

  2. Add purchase prices when moving animals on.

  3. Add a sale price when you move animals off.

Carcass Grade Performance

If you encounter difficulties uploading carcass grades, kindly reach out to your account representative for assistance.

Once carcass grade information is successfully uploaded into Breedr, this report offers a comprehensive analysis of your animals' performance. It takes into account the grading of each carcass, evaluating performance based on source, age, and weight. This insightful analysis allows you to pinpoint the top and bottom performers among your animals over time.

What data do I need?

  1. Carcass information: Yield, Grade, Carcass hot weight, and date.

Animal Forecast

This report anticipates future animal weights, highlighting which animals are expected to reach a specific weight by a certain date. It proves beneficial for cow/calf producers, backgrounders, and finishers in effectively managing supply and demand, providing a higher probability of selling animals to a target specification. Additionally, this report aids in making proactive management decisions to enhance efficiency. Utilizing the Daily Rearing Cost and Market Value Per lb filters also assists in estimating all costs per animal.

What data do I need?

  1. Log weights regularly.

  2. Use the sex classification feature.

  3. Organize your animals into groups.

  4. Log any purchase or sale prices.


This report exclusively includes weights that have been recorded in Chute Mode. It provides a summary of each weigh session, followed by a breakdown of animal details included in each session. The report also considers the change in Daily Live Weight Gain (DLWG) since the previous weigh session and the Lifetime DLWG.

Note: DLWG Lifetime is calculated as the difference between the animal's birth weight and the current session weight, divided by the animal's current age in days. If the animal does not have a specified birth weight, this field will be blank.

What data do I need?

  1. Weights recorded in a Chute Session.

  2. For DLWG Lifetime, a calf's birth weight (can be estimated).

Sire & Dam Performance

The Sire and Dam performance report evaluates the performance of the sire and dams on your farm. When you log the birth of an animal, a series of questions are asked regarding the ease of calving. This information is then displayed in this report.

The report is divided into sire and dam performance, examining the birth weight and kill-out weight of the offspring, and identifying which animals are producing superior offspring. This information is valuable for making informed breeding management decisions, such as determining whether to breed from certain animals again.

What data do I need?

  1. Log the birth of each calf.

  2. Provide information on calving ease.

  3. Record birth weight and kill-out weight of the offspring.

Source Ranch

The Source Ranch Report provides insight into how your animals are performing based on their origin. To generate this report, it requires the activity "Log previous Keeper." Ideally, this activity should be recorded upon arrival, although it can be logged at any given point. To log a previous keeper, select the animal(s), click 'Manage,' and then 'Add previous keeper.'

The report is divided into four sections:

  1. Mortality - Summarizes animals that died from each source, helping you track which source produces the highest mortality among purchased animals.

  2. Performance from Birth - Examines Daily Live Weight Gain (DLWG) from birth, emphasizing the importance of logging a birth weight.

  3. Performance on Farm - Analyzes the average DLWG on the farm across all source farms. For accurate results, it is crucial to weigh animals within 30 days of the exit date from your holdings.

  4. Sale - Highlights the most profitable source holding. To generate this information, you must enter both purchase and sale prices.

What data do I need?

  1. Previous keeper

  2. Log activities to calves; treatments, deaths, and weights.

Herd Health Report

This report examines farm mortalities and medical treatments. The mortality tab provides an overview of the number of deaths on your ranch and identifies the top reasons for these deaths. Analyzing this data helps you identify trends and potential factors contributing to mortalities on your ranch. The medical treatment tab focuses on the number of treatments based on sex classification and outlines the top 10 reasons for treatment. This analysis can reveal any recurring issues you may be facing.

What data do I need?

  1. Treatments and reasons

On Ranch Weights

This report incorporates all recorded weights in Breedr, encompassing uploaded weights. This report provides a detailed account of every weight recorded in Breedr.

Within the Weight Downloaded tab, you'll find the Lifetime Daily Live Weight Gain (DLWG) of an animal, if;

  1. The animals are recorded within the initial 30 days of the date of birth (an estimated weight can be entered if the exact information is unavailable).

  2. Lifetime DLWG is determined by the weight since birth (No lifetime DLWG will be calculated if no birth weight is logged).

    Note: You need at least two weights to generate a DWLG.

    What data do I need?

  1. Weights uploaded or recorded in the app.

  2. Weights recorded in Chute Mode.

Birth Forecast

This report provides a projection of births based on the conception date recorded during pregnancy diagnosis. By linking the Dam ID to the corresponding birth record, the report establishes a connection between the pregnancy and the resulting offspring, facilitating a comprehensive overview of expected births. The report offers valuable insights into the reproductive success of the herd, aiding ranchers in making informed decisions for optimal breeding outcomes. This report also keeps a record of calf births.

What data do I need?

  1. Log pregnancy checks and the corresponding results.

  2. Log births to cows/heifers associated with a PD test.

Breeding History

This report compiles crucial information related to the reproductive and maternal health of the herd. This comprehensive report aids in monitoring the reproductive health of the herd, predicting calving timelines, assessing maternal performance, and ensuring optimal conditions for successful breeding outcomes. To generate this report, log births associated with PD tests and ensure accurate recording of relevant activities.

The report consists of four sections:

  1. Service Log - Birth Logging:

    Logs births to cows/heifers associated with a Pregnancy Diagnosis (PD) test, providing an overview of successful breeding outcomes. Captures the Dam's age at the start of service and includes information on the sire's name or Registered ID associated with the service. Enables ranchers to make informed decisions about future breeding pairings.

  2. Pregnancy Test Log - provides a record of pregnancy tests and their outcomes, giving valuable insights into the timing of conception that aids in predicting and understanding the critical aspect of when conception occurred.

    Estimated Conception Date: Calculated by subtracting the days since conception estimate from the date of the pregnancy test, offering insights into the timing of conception.

    Estimated Due Date is calculated as 283 days from the estimated conception date.

  3. Calving Log - Tracks the duration of gestation by measuring the time between the estimated conception date, (determined through a pregnancy diagnostic test), and the actual date of birth. This log provides comprehensive insights into the entire gestation process and the corresponding calving events.

    Gestation length is the duration between the estimated conception date, which can be determined through a pregnancy diagnostic test, and the date of birth.

    Calving Interval measures the period between the Dam's prior birth and the current birth, remaining blank if the Dam has no recorded previous births.

  4. Weaning Log - Provides a vital tool for tracking and understanding the weaning process, providing crucial data points for assessing both the Dam and the calf's growth and development.

    Weaned Date: Determined through an associated weaning activity or the first calf weight recorded between 120 and 300 days, marking a significant milestone in the calf's development.

    Dam Weight: Represents the mature weight of the Dam, with mature weight being the closest weight to 3 years of age recorded between 2.5 and 3.5 years old.

    Calf % of Dam Weight: Indicates the percentage of the calf's weaning weight in relation to the mature Dam's weight, providing insights into the growth and development of the offspring.

Inventory & Movements

Inventory looks at the number of animals you have on ranch on any given day.

Movements reports generate a record of all animals moved on and off, which includes births and deaths.

What data do I need?

  1. Move on - by creating a new animal or logging a birth.

  2. Move off- Create a movement off-ranch or mark the animal as dead.

Culls Report

This report consolidates information on all animals associated with groups designated for culling. The report includes relevant details such as animal identification, reasons for culling, age, and any additional criteria specified for the culling groups.

What data do I need?

  1. Create Movement off-farm.

  2. Select 'Cull' as your reason.

Medicine Record

This report serves as a valuable tool for tracking medicine usage and simplifies the process of medicine record-keeping. By adding medicines to your cabinet and logging relevant activities in the app, the Medicine Report maintains an updated record of your cabinet's contents and quantities. This automation eliminates manual administrative work for the rancher. The report is organized into three sections.

  1. Medicine Reasons: This section outlines the age of the animal when a medicine is administered and provides insights into the top reasons for medicating.

  2. Medicine Activities: This section presents a detailed list of medicines applied to each animal.

  3. Medicine from Cabinet: This section offers an itinerary of medicines stored in your medicine cabinet, including cost.

What data do I need?

  1. Medicines added to your cabinet, including date, expiration, batch no, quantity, and cost.

  2. Record when you administer medicines from the cabinet.

Medicine Book

Medicine Book gives users a comprehensive overview of all medicines administered to their animals. The Breedr app can effortlessly compile all necessary information for this report when users record medicine administrations.

What data do I need?

  1. Medicines added to your cabinet.

  2. Record when you administer medicines from the cabinet.

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